Medical Volunteers International - Medical help for people in need
Start: 2024
Medical Volunteers International (MVI) has been providing medical, psychological and social support to refugees in Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria since 2016. “We help in places where refugees are living in extremely precarious conditions and the supply situation is particularly poor – currently mainly in hard-to-reach areas in south-eastern Europe.”
The work on site is carried out by volunteers and is largely financed by donations. The international volunteers are recruited via ten regional groups from all over Germany and coordinated from Hamburg. Work in Germany also takes place via the regional groups: This is how refugees get involved in voluntary work and thus make an important contribution to the host society. In addition, high-profile campaigns are used to draw attention to the dramatic situation of refugees in Europe. “So far in 2023, we have been able to provide medical care to 15,387 people at Europe’s external borders and had 269 volunteers in action, as well as an incredible 942 applications from people who wanted to support us in our projects.”
With the support of the :do Foundation, it is possible to cover part of the monthly costs at the project location in Athens and the work in the regional groups.