Migrant engagement needs support – we support your project!

The :do Foundation supports projects and initiatives that help refugees and migrants along the flight route and in the destination country. In the first half of 2024, we funded great organizations that provide important support at the EU’s external borders. In order to integrate the people arriving here and give them a dignified start, we are funding migrant initiatives in eastern German federal states at the end of the year.
Funding applications can be submitted until 15.11.2024 using the online form. Both project funding and structural funding (e.g. room rental, material, personnel or travel costs) of up to €3,000 can be applied for. The funding is not tied to a specific duration. A prerequisite for funding is proof of non-profit status (notice of exemption).
Many thanks for the numerous applications! We are very pleased about so much commitment. We are now unable to accept any further applications.