
Executive Board

The Executive Board is the central decision-making body of the Stiftung :do foundation. It decides which project applications to approve, draws up the budget and defines the funding criteria. The Board is also responsible for investing the foundation’s financial assets.

Christina Junkermann


Until the end of 2022, I worked in marketing and business development at various consumer goods companies. In my new role as Chair of the Executive Board for the Stiftung :do foundation, I hope to use my professional and personal skills and dedication to support people who are looking to build a new life for themselves and give them the strength and renewed confidence they need to achieve this.   



Being born in a safe and free country doesn’t give us any rights. On the contrary, it gives us an enormous responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Through my work for the Stiftung :do foundation, I hope to make good on at least some part of this responsibility.

Christian Enenkel


Helping people fleeing violence, war and poverty strengthens a fundamental human right. Because everyone has the right to live in safety and freedom. I am committed to ensuring that this right is not denied through exclusion and isolation, but is realized through empathy and solidarity.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the Stiftung :do foundation holds the Executive Board to account and provides it with advice as needed. It is also responsible for producing the foundation’s annual report and can commission a financial audit of the foundation’s activities.

Miriam Edding


I have been actively involved in establishing the Stiftung :do foundation and served as Chair of the Executive Board until I stepped down from the board in 2022. Alongside my work for the foundation, I’ve also created the volunteer-run “Watch The Med Alarm Phone” hotline, which provides assistance for refugees and migrants who get into difficulties at sea. People flee to Europe for so many reasons and risk their lives in doing so. I’ve heard their stories, so I cannot simply stand by and watch.

Ruba Sulaimane

Ruba Sulaimane


In 2015, I arrived in Germany from Syria having travelled via the Western Balkan Route with my daughter, who was 10 at the time. I know what it’s like to flee your country and be reliant on aid as a refugee. I’m grateful for the opportunities that Germany has given me and proud of what I’ve been able to achieve as a result.
In my experience, there are two sides to effective refugee aid – the people who help and the people who use that help to build something better. It’s so important to me that we find a way to bring these two sides together.

Annabelle Jenisch


The country where I live and grew up would be nothing without its rich patchwork of citizens from countries all over the world. I believe it is our responsibility to support these people on their journey to Germany and help them integrate into our country.