HipHop4Hope in Athens

Start: 2022

Since 2013, the association Hip Hop 4 Hope e.V. (project partner of Respekt für Griechenland e.V. in Athens) has been carrying out various projects with the aim of inspiring young people and supporting them in their personal development. Through the projects, the children gain more self-confidence and learn to express themselves. They also find a way to stay away from drugs and violence. This is important for young people growing up in a social and political drama. Hip hop culture is also a kind of therapeutic tool and, in addition to all the countless positive side effects it has on young people, it is also a sporting activity.

Every month, the HipHop4Hope Athens team, consisting of local dancers, organizes activities such as performance nights, movie nights, hang outs, battle barbecues in the park and workshops to create a positive environment and strengthen the Athenian dance community.

The :do Foundation is supporting the Monthly Community Events with a follow-up grant of 1,800 euros.