Rooms in Athens

Start: 2022

Lean on us works alongside international aid organisations such as Leave no one behind, STELP, SINIPARXI, Eudaimonia, Wir packen ́s an etc. and concentrates on individual support and advice for individual fates, such as unaccompanied minors, single mothers/fathers with children and sick people.

“We accompany our families and individuals over a long period of time as permanent contact persons and are in personal contact several times a day, online or directly on site, around the clock, on Lesbos, Athens and Thessaloniki and in Germany or wherever the journey takes people. We offer a wide range of support and advice, from financing lawyers’ appointments, organizing medical appointments and finding suitable accommodation to providing donations to meet basic needs.”

The :do Foundation supports Lean on us by financing an apartment in Athens for refugees in the amount of 2,000 euros.